Inadequate “final” pay offer As many of you will know Unite, along with other education unions, has been challenging yet another clearly inadequate “final” pay offer. The 3% offer made in May completely ignores the huge surge in the cost of living, and fails to recognise the incredibly significant contribution made by staff who have kept institutions […]
National negotiations – pay 2022-23 As many of you will know Unite, along with other education unions, has been challenging yet another clearly inadequate “final” pay offer. The 3% offer made in May completely ignores the huge surge in the cost of living, and fails to recognise the incredibly significant contribution made by staff who have […]
Tweet Of The Week
Statement on 2022 Pay Offer…

National Pay Negotiation for the 2022-2023 pay award has already started. The initial proposal is 3%, which isn’t good enough to cover the costs of living in Cambridge with inflation being over 8% and rising. Also, we workers at Cambridge University lost 20% of our pay in the last 12 years, this means that experienced […]
Friday update 25/3/22
Oh my God, It’s actually Friday, that can’t be right! Jumble sales are organized And pamphlets have been posted Even after closing time there’s still parties to be hosted You can be active with the activists Or sleep in with the sleepers While you’re waiting for the great leap forwards B Bragg Waiting For the […]
Update on Cambridge branch campaign to stop outsourcing Taken from March 2022 Regional newsletter The Cambridge branch intends to loudly fight the University’s foot-dragging on protecting directly employed staff and their lack of trustworthiness over outsourcing every step of the way. As you will be aware Cambridge University Unite branch has been firmly opposing the […]
Advice and help in the workplace HAVE YOU VOTED? Use your voice, use your vote. A number of HE institution branches in our region are now balloting members on taking industrial action. The dispute is over the imposition by HE bosses of the rejected national pay increase of just 1.5% (for most staff) for 2021-22. […]