Branch Branch Campaigns Campaigns Front Page Get Involved News Outsourcing Unite Win!

Outsourcing Sucks! UNITE WIN!

Cambridge University brings maintenance back in-house! Staff at Cambridge got this email: After a period of extensive review, the University is moving to a revised model for repairs and maintenance. This will see the service managed by the University’s Estates Division working with directly contracted maintenance suppliers, many of which are specialist local companies already […]

Branch Campaigns Bullying Estates Mutual Respect Policy Outsourcing

Code Of Ethics…

Front Page Newsletters Outsourcing Pay Regional Sector Uncategorized

London & Eastern Education Region, July 2022, Newsletter.

National negotiations – pay 2022-23 As many of you will know Unite, along with other education unions, has been challenging yet another clearly inadequate “final” pay offer. The 3% offer made in May completely ignores the huge surge in the cost of living, and fails to recognise the incredibly significant contribution made by staff who have […]

Campaigns Estates Friday Update Front Page Newsletters Outsourcing

Outsourcing, Regional View.

Update on Cambridge branch campaign to stop outsourcing Taken from March 2022 Regional newsletter The Cambridge branch intends to loudly fight the University’s foot-dragging on protecting directly employed staff and their lack of trustworthiness over outsourcing every step of the way. As you will be aware Cambridge University Unite branch has been firmly opposing the […]

Estates Friday Update Have your say. Outsourcing Pay

Friday Update 25/2/22

Let’s face it, we are not going to get a decent pay rise this year unless we fight for it! The rise in inflation across all measures continues with 30-year highs on both the RPI (7.8%) & CPI (5.5%) Figures show that real pay is plummeting – a fall of 3.8% on RPI real earnings […]

Campaigns Estates Front Page Outsourcing

Solidarity From Dundee

Dundee University UNITE branch posted this message of solidarity with our fight against outsourcing… Cambridge University Unite think Outsourcing SUCKS!(and so do we!). Cambridge University have proposed outsourcing of key professional services staff and the Unite branch there have begun an excellent campaign to show just how much Outsourcing SUCKS! This author is particularly impressed by their excellent […]

Front Page Outsourcing Uncategorized

Regional View of Outsourcing,(Spoilers, It SUCKS!)

OUTSOURCING SUCKS Outsourcing – Cambridge Uni lowlights? In recent times, especially in London institutions, outsourced staff have found themselves being ‘insourced” as the high cost, lack of control and the unfairness of having staff working in an institution for anotheremployer under worse terms and conditions than direct employees has begun to reflect very badly on […]

Estates Front Page Newsletters Outsourcing Pay Regional

London & Eastern Education Region NEWSLETTER November / December 2021


“Varsity” Article On Demo

Estates Front Page Outsourcing Uncategorized

Covid Heros!

What those nice folks at AUDE(Association of University Directors of Estates) think of us… Eighteen months after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic it feels like now is the right time to take stock of what we’ve achieved as university estates and facilities teams – and to say the most enormous Thank You to everyone […]