“Cambridge University is one of the richest education institutions in the UK and has billions of pounds at its disposal. Yet rather than help its lowest paid workers with the cost of living in one of the most expensive cities in the UK it is fiddling while Rome burns. It pleas of poverty have been exposed as being entirely hollow.“
Unite general secretary Sharon Graham
“The University has strengthened the Professorial Pay Review scheme to help senior academics move more easily through the top pay bands.”

As a recognised union, UNITE represents non-academic staff across Cambridge University, and is part of the national negotiating team on pay and terms and conditions.

- London & Eastern Education Newsletter September 2024
- GET ME HOME SAFELY!Women workers do not feel safe going to and from work “Last year I was assaulted after my employer refused to provide me with a taxi after transport times. This happens all too often to workers.” – Carrie “I’ve worked in the… Read more: GET ME HOME SAFELY!
- London & Eastern Education Region Newsletter, August 2024
- Joint Union Statement on Pay, July 2024
- Estates Roadshow Southampton 2024The what? The Estates Forum is a national committee for HE sector estate workers, it meets a couple of times a year in London/Zoom, and once a year has an away day meeting the “Roadshow”. Last year it was in… Read more: Estates Roadshow Southampton 2024
- Training July to DecemberLots of courses for reps, at UNITE. Online and in person. Also some courses from other providers, (get in touch with your learning rep before booking non UNITE courses). LEARNINGHOMEPAGE
- Joint Union Statement on Pay, July 2024
- News From Oxford ,(Never Mind The Boat Race….Where’s our Money?)Oxford leaves Cambridge in its wake, on local pay issues. £1500 Pensionable “Oxford Weighting” * During her admission speech in January 2023 the Vice-Chancellor, Irene Tracey, commissioned a review of all aspects of pay and conditions for University staff. Not very exciting as Universities love a good review, even more than they love a committee. However unlike the ever parsimonious Cambridge, an institution that would claim it was “a bit broke this month” when everyone was putting into the whip round for a departing colleague, Oxford actually wants to stand its round! Oxford says The findings of this review… Read more: News From Oxford ,(Never Mind The Boat Race….Where’s our Money?)
- London & Eastern Education Region Newsletter June 2024
- The Case for Cambridge Weighting.
- Cambridge University revealed to have £6 billion as workers languish on poverty-level wagesIn-depth research from Unite, the UK’s leading trade union, has uncovered that Cambridge University is sitting on over £6 billion of cash and investments while trying to maintain it can’t afford to help its lowest-paid workers. The revelations coincide with fresh strike action by university workers. Cleaners, librarians, museum workers and many other staff at the university have been in a long-running pay dispute over the failure of the institution to acknowledge the cost of housing in Cambridge as well as the wider inflationary pressure on its lowest-paid workers. Some are being paid less than £23,000 per year yet live and work in one of the… Read more: Cambridge University revealed to have £6 billion as workers languish on poverty-level wages

Workers in the Education sector need a powerful, collective voice that will win the respect they deserve at work. Whether your role is research, technical, IT, professional services, administration or clerical, skilled or estates, UNITE is the trade union that works hard for you.

Not only do we negotiate on pay, our reps can help if you have work related problems. Find out how we can help you. Get in touch.
Unite also has a whole host of other benefits from a will writing service to travel discounts. We offer training courses, and a 24 hour legal helpline.
Our Unite Branch is recognised by the University to have representational and collective bargaining rights for all professional staff.
Unite Cambridge University
Branch LE0755M
16 Mill Lane
Cambridge, CB2 1SB