Update on Cambridge branch campaign to stop outsourcing Taken from March 2022 Regional newsletter The Cambridge branch intends to loudly fight the University’s foot-dragging on protecting directly employed staff and their lack of trustworthiness over outsourcing every step of the way. As you will be aware Cambridge University Unite branch has been firmly opposing the […]
Category: Campaigns
Solidarity From Dundee
Dundee University UNITE branch posted this message of solidarity with our fight against outsourcing… Cambridge University Unite think Outsourcing SUCKS!(and so do we!). Cambridge University have proposed outsourcing of key professional services staff and the Unite branch there have begun an excellent campaign to show just how much Outsourcing SUCKS! This author is particularly impressed by their excellent […]
Unite Newsletter – January 2022 Working to protect staff in Cambridge University 2021/22 Pay dispute: Preparation for an industrial action ballot As reported by us in August last year, despite all the higher education Unions rejecting the offer, the Universities national bargaining body (UCEA) recommended that UK universities impose the 1.5% pay rise. It was […]
Wednesday 10 November 2021 Salami Slicing The University of Cambridge, one of the wealthiest and most illustrious institutions in the country, has been accused of ‘salami slicing’ over its plans to outsource up to 50 maintenance and estates’ workers to private companies. Unite the union said that if the proposal was completed by 1 April next year […]
Print this out, sign it, and pop it in the post,( or UMS). More details below Here’s where we need your help: It is essential that the senior management are made aware of the strength of feeling of the wider university, both against outsourcing and in the support of our colleagues who are threatened with […]
Secretary’s letter… Dear Colleagues, As some of us, had predicted the University’s COVID inspired benign support of professional staff has come to an end. Not only are we to suffer a below average annual pay rise, but also the University has begun to make compulsory redundancies. Not in keeping with past practices, the University has […]