Campaigns News Pay Sector Strike


Thanks Guv’nor Very Charitable. Members of the Imperial College Unite branch negotiate locally on pay. Over the past year, the branch has engaged in sustained industrial action (as previously reported in newsletters). Recently, the pay offer presented to branch members, as well as to UCU and Unison members at the college, was rejected by an […]

Branch Campaigns Campaigns National News Pay

National pay negotiations 2023-2024:  Countdown to autumn strikes!

Continuing Protest. Over August and September Unite HE branches up and down the country are holding local industrial action ballots in a continuing protest against the very low pay rise imposed by HE employers.  At the time of writing, there are at least five branches in our region balloting including our largest – Cambridge. If […]

Branch Campaigns Bulletin Campaigns National News Pay

Pay Update,March 2023

National pay negotiations, 2023-2024: an update. ACAS As you may be aware all the education unions in these negotiations declared a dispute with UCEA, the employers’ association, over the proposed pay increase for 2023-24. In February negotiations began under the auspices of the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) with the unions, in good faith, […]

Branch Campaigns Bullying Estates Mutual Respect Policy Outsourcing

Code Of Ethics…

Campaigns Front Page Have your say. Pay Regional

London & Eastern Education Region

NEWSLETTER August 2022 Have your say: update national negotiations – pay 2022-23 The unagreed 3% pay increase (for most staff on the 51-point pay scale) will be imposed in August before you have had your say on the matter. This seems to be the preferred behaviour of the employers in recent years: adopt poor negotiating […]

Campaigns Front Page National News Newsletters

Human Rights Act. Human Rights, Act!

Despite advice, reviews and reports continuing to support the Human Rights Act (incorporating the European convention on human rights), this finger-wagging government seems to believe that it can shore up support by rolling back these rights from those it wants to target. That means, potentially, anyone at all that wants and needs to challenge those […]

Branch Campaigns Campaigns Front Page Pay

PAY July 2022

Inadequate “final” pay offer As many of you will know Unite, along with other education unions, has been challenging yet another clearly inadequate “final” pay offer. The 3% offer made in May completely ignores the huge surge in the cost of living, and fails to recognise the incredibly significant contribution made by staff who have kept institutions […]

Branch Campaigns Front Page Pay


National Pay Negotiation for the 2022-2023 pay award has already started. The initial proposal is 3%, which isn’t good enough to cover the costs of living in Cambridge with inflation being over 8% and rising. Also, we workers at Cambridge University lost 20% of our pay in the last 12 years, this means that experienced […]

Campaigns Estates Friday Update Front Page Newsletters Outsourcing

Outsourcing, Regional View.

Update on Cambridge branch campaign to stop outsourcing Taken from March 2022 Regional newsletter The Cambridge branch intends to loudly fight the University’s foot-dragging on protecting directly employed staff and their lack of trustworthiness over outsourcing every step of the way. As you will be aware Cambridge University Unite branch has been firmly opposing the […]

Campaigns Estates Front Page Outsourcing

Solidarity From Dundee

Dundee University UNITE branch posted this message of solidarity with our fight against outsourcing… Cambridge University Unite think Outsourcing SUCKS!(and so do we!). Cambridge University have proposed outsourcing of key professional services staff and the Unite branch there have begun an excellent campaign to show just how much Outsourcing SUCKS! This author is particularly impressed by their excellent […]