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Branch Campaigns Campaigns Front Page Pay

PAY July 2022

Inadequate “final” pay offer As many of you will know Unite, along with other education unions, has been challenging yet another clearly inadequate “final” pay offer. The 3% offer made in May completely ignores the huge surge in the cost of living, and fails to recognise the incredibly significant contribution made by staff who have kept institutions […]

Branch Campaigns Front Page Pay


National Pay Negotiation for the 2022-2023 pay award has already started. The initial proposal is 3%, which isn’t good enough to cover the costs of living in Cambridge with inflation being over 8% and rising. Also, we workers at Cambridge University lost 20% of our pay in the last 12 years, this means that experienced […]

Branch Campaigns Front Page Newsletters

Unite Newsletter – January 2022

Unite Newsletter – January 2022  Working to protect staff in Cambridge University 2021/22 Pay dispute: Preparation for an industrial action ballot As reported by us in August last year, despite all the higher education Unions rejecting the offer, the Universities national bargaining body (UCEA) recommended that UK universities impose the 1.5% pay rise. It was […]

Branch Campaigns Campaigns Estates Front Page Outsourcing Uncategorized


12 on the 12th Outside the Senate House.If you care please be there! Remember, Remember, The Twelth Of November! Make a placard, make a noise, make your point! 12 on the 12th, put it in your diary!

Branch Campaigns Campaigns Estates Front Page Outsourcing

Secretary’s Letter 1/11/21

Secretary’s letter… Dear Colleagues, As some of us, had predicted the University’s COVID inspired benign support of professional staff has come to an end. Not only are we to suffer a below average annual pay rise, but also the University has begun to make compulsory redundancies. Not in keeping with past practices, the University has […]

Branch Branch Campaigns Branch Meetings Campaigns Estates Front Page Have your say.

Branch Meeting 1st Monday Of The Month

Branch Campaigns Campaigns Estates Front Page Have your say. Outsourcing

What’s Going On At Estates???

12:00 via Zoom! Whats going on? How will it affect me? What does the future hold? Find out more! UNITE MEETING! If you work for Estates, we want to talk to YOU! NON-MEMBERS WELCOME! TUESDAY 12 OCTOBER 12:00 Via Zoom (Watch your Email) JOIN UNITE! Who we are!

Branch Campaigns Campaigns Front Page Survey

Cambridge University Bullying!

“Third of Cambridge University staff ‘have experienced bullying” [The Guardian:Tuesday 7th January 2020][]is the result of an internal survey carried out jointly by Unite, Unison and the University andCollege Unions to assess the level of bullying and harassment experienced and/or witnessedby staff during the previous 18 months. Responses were received from 3000 staff. A year […]

Branch Campaigns Front Page News

Our Potential, focus groups

Saira Law School of the Biological Sciences. Our Potential focus groups by Saira Law, Bioscience Impact Team Article:I wondered, when I went to training and networking events, why I never came across staff on Grades 1 & 2 at them. Then I heard about the University Diversity Fund and decided to apply to try and […]