The government, as always, finds it impossible to resist basking in the glory of the hard work of others, and is now happily claiming unearned credit over the rapid vaccine roll-out. In reality, the delivery has actually been handled efficiently and in an orderly fashion, by our overworked and underfunded public bodies, rather than the […]
RETIREMENT SEMINARS – FOR MEMBERS. From May to December 2021. * Friday 7th May 2021 – webinar (1.00pm – 3.30pm) * Wednesday 14th July 2021 – webinar (9.30am – 12.00 noon) * Friday 3rd September 2021 – webinar (9.30am – 12.00 noon) * Monday 20th September 2021 – webinar (1.00pm – 3.30pm) * Tuesday 9th […]
(NOTE FROM ADMIN: if you want to see the original text from the Vice-Chancellor, I’ve put it at the bottom scroll down or, click here…) 19 March 2021 This is an updated version of the Vice-Chancellor’s message sent yesterday, which contained an inaccuracy about waiting times at the Student Counselling Service. Waiting times are currently […]
Skills Exchange The University, has launched a skills exchange scheme, aimed at matching people with time, to jobs that need doing across the whole University. Your writer didn’t get beyond the link on the web page, as it appears one of the skills needed was being able to work Microsoft Teams… Have you been involved with […]
Lateral Flow Tests 5/3/21
A brief message to staff and students from the Vice-Chancellor about the current situation of uncertainty around students’ return. Dear all, Planning for next term continues across the University and colleges in a context of continuing uncertainty. My message today, however, is simple: we are not in the clear yet. I said last week that […]
A message to staff and students from the Vice-Chancellor with further details about the easing of England’s current lockdown. Dear all, Earlier this week, the government set out its plan for the easing of the current lockdown in England. The Department for Education has published further detailed guidance on how the government’s “roadmap” applies to […]
Next Branch Meeting 12/4/21
Branch Meeting Monday 12th April, Agenda. Unite the Union – University of Cambridge Branch Agenda April 12th 2021 13.00 via Zoom Present Apologies Minutes and matters arising National/Regional Matters: Regional Organiser. RISC. RISC Chair and Secretary meeting. Delegates to Unite Policy Conference Branch Matters. Correspondence. Menopause Awareness. Training Single Payment Scheme Campaigns: Travel Plan. Bullying. […]
Saira Law School of the Biological Sciences. Our Potential focus groups by Saira Law, Bioscience Impact Team Article:I wondered, when I went to training and networking events, why I never came across staff on Grades 1 & 2 at them. Then I heard about the University Diversity Fund and decided to apply to try and […]
Housing News
Laundry Farm And DevelopmentThe Cambridge Evening News Reports that there are proposals for new housing being built off the Barton Road, and it looks like Laundry farm is slap bang in the middle. As no plans have been submitted this doesn’t seem to be imminent, after all we all know buildings that have been […]