VOTE SHARON! & The end to lockdown.
I Haven’t Had My Ballot!
Next Branch Meeting 02/08/21
‘X’ marks your spot? Your votematters: National Pay Ballot. Some new members of Unite may not know that most higher education institutionsnegotiate pay nationally every year. This has meant that alongside making huge effortsto protect you and your job during the Covid crisis, Unite negotiators have also beenactively pushing against last year’s pay freeze, and […]
Open Meeting 14/07/21
Recovery Program Keep an eye out on your email for details of an online meeting on the University’s recovery program. Dear colleagues, We are writing following Professor Andy Neely’s email last week about the Recovery Programme. As Andy said, many of the programme’s initial areas of focus relate to staff and how we can make […]
Beckett Pulls Out!
Throws weight behind Turner. Statement from Turner/Beckett (Twitter) — Howard Beckett (@BeckettUnite) June 18, 2021 Statement by Sharon Graham Statement From Gerard Coyne “We now have a Communist Party candidate, a Socialist Worker Party candidate and myself in the Unite election. I’m happy to be the mainstream candidate for the members. “I am the only […]
The numbers of valid nominations received by each candidate are as follows: Howard Beckett 328 Gerard Coyne 196 Sharon Graham 349 Steve Turner 525 The final total may vary slightly from these figures as outstanding issues regarding the validity of some nominations are resolved.