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Unite leader says any attempt to make trade unions illegal will be met with “fierce, prolonged resistance”

The leader of Unite the union has hit out at proposals from a Conservative leadership candidate as an attempt to “outlaw strike action in this country.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “Let’s be clear Liz Truss’s madcap proposals are an attempt to outlaw strike action and effective trade unions.

“This so-called manifesto is a declaration of war on the trade union movement and working people. In effect, it is a charter for massive social discontent.

“What we have here is an ambitious politician, hawking for the votes of a tiny minority by putting the rights of all workers on the chopping block.

“At the time of a cost of living crisis, where profiteering not wages is driving inflation, this would-be prime minister has instead chosen to return Britain’s workplaces to the 19th century. It’s Charles Dickens meets 2022.

“Unite will not bow to threats and bullying and any attempt to make our fight for jobs, pay and conditions illegal will be met with fierce, prolonged resistance.”