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PAY, Have Your Say!




3% is not good enough!

With real inflation (RPI) running at 11.8%, it’s a massive national pay cut.

Your Unite branch is holding a consultative ballot to find out whether you’d be prepared to take industrial action.

Check your email and vote YES!

Don’t lose your voice. Check that your Unite membership details are up-to-date online at

Why am I being balloted?

At this stage, your union, Unite is consulting you on whether you and your colleagues would be prepared to take strike action over UCEA’s wholly inadequate pay rise of just 3%. This is a consultative ballot. A legal industrial action ballot will follow, shortly after, if a majority votes for action.

Your Unite reps are disappointed that it’s come to this, but despite some intense negotiating sessions, UCEA (the employer’s association) has come back and said it would not be improving its ‘final’ pay offer. Yet, it’s acknowledged that the cost of living crisis is worsening for staff. It seems unusually cruel to admit on the one hand that things are bad, but then do nothing to mitigate it.

It’s time to get vote ready – make sure you can vote by checking that your Unite membership details are up-to-date. Go to UNITE’s webpage or scan the QR code.

Why should I vote YES?

– You and your colleagues have suffered over a decade of below-inflation pay rises. With the cost of living soaring to its highest level in living memory, it’s time to say ‘enough is enough.

– You deserve better. You deserve an inflation-matching pay rise

– Prices are rocketing. New forecasts suggest that energy costs could soar by 65 per cent, taking average energy bills to £3,244 this October, when the next energy price cap kicks in

– We’re in this together – You are part of a wider public sector fair pay fight. Unite members in the NHS and local government are also being balloted over pay. Unite is on your side and will support members on the picket line.

– All other higher education unions, UCU, Unison, GMB and EIS, have vowed to ballot or consult members too – paving the way for joint industrial action in your institutions. It’s what we’ll be calling for.

– We have tried to negotiate a fairer pay rise and remain open to more talks. But UCEA has failed to play fair.

– They can afford to offer you more – Senior Staff Pay (HESA Data)

It’s time for us to stand united and demand better. VOTE YES in your branch consultative ballot, and encourage your colleagues to do the same.