Dundee University UNITE branch posted this message of solidarity with our fight against outsourcing…
Cambridge University Unite think Outsourcing SUCKS!
(and so do we!).
Cambridge University have proposed outsourcing of key professional services staff and the Unite branch there have begun an excellent campaign to show just how much Outsourcing SUCKS! This author is particularly impressed by their excellent memes, and much like with out own fight to protect our pensions it is so heartening to see the local community, students and politicians joining in.
Link To Post-Holiday Solidarity!
Thanks, Dundee we really appreciate it!
(Note From Admin! thanks for the kind words about the site, made my day!)
Our website was inspired by .@Unite0775M who have a really good looking one 😅😍
— UoDUniteBranch (@uodunite) February 15, 2022