For Newbies and the confused (Vern)
This is Friday Update I don’t update it on Fridays very much but I’m stuck with the name, I’ll write a post about it some time. For now, the facts are I’m moving the ED Unite online notice board here, for now I’ll post on Hive as long as I’m able. this is the latest one, older ones are on hive and my website
Guess who just got back today?
Them wild-eyed boys that’d been away
Haven’t changed, had much to say
But man, I still think them cats are crazy
They were askin’ if you were around
How you was, where you could be found
Told ’em you were livin’ downtown
Drivin’ all the old men crazy!
It’s Friday Update (on Wednesday…)
Help Us Help You!
We need your details to keep our records up to date.
So if you have moved, changed your name, or your job, etc,
Then get in touch on our branch email.
It’s vital we have up to date contact details for all our members.
Don’t do email..? stick them on a bit of paper and give them to Vern or Rob and they will forward them on.
Seriously it’s important!
Not a member?
then join you can always leave if you don’t like what we do, but now more than ever you need to be in a union.
We Need Reps…
UNITE is not like the AA, a service you pay for and consume passively, its strength is in its members.
Our branch is one if not the biggest HE branches in the union our members are active on a regional and national level, members of committees and working groups.
But we need boots on the ground, people who will stick their heads above the parapet and represent our members.
Fancy a go, get in touch with me at

Stuff on the website…
the regional newsletter is spicy this month…
Sharon Graham, Unite’s General Secretary, says “The message is clear: however powerful and rich an organisation is, we won’t sit idly by and watch our members have their pay, employment terms and pensions
salami-sliced in an entirely misguided outsourcing deal.”
Lift Team News…
As you probably know, we didn’t manage to save the in house lift team, (Me Vern and Pete), mainly due to some very odd ideas about consultation. However, it’s not a total loss, despite ED saying it was impossible for us to be redeployed (there are jobs on the website…) Me and Vern have found a new home at Chemistry and Pete is retiring on better terms than “take the TUPE or you are sacked” which was the option we were presented with as a done deal several months ago.
We are still your union reps and can be contacted in the usual ways, although phone might be tricky as we will probably lose our phones, and have to make other arrangements…It would be better to have reps on site, so please consider becoming one.
UPDATE NEWS (update update?)
This is probably going to stop as I’m not likely to have access to Hive when I move to Chemistry, however, I will try to increase ED’s presence on the branch website, and also post on my own site as well.
I may try twitter as well… watch this space (not literally ).
By the way follow the Branch Twitter.
Happy Xmas
Bob and Vern Your UNITE reps wish you all a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year…