- Friday update 25/3/22Oh my God, It’s actually Friday, that can’t be right! Jumble sales are organized And pamphlets have been posted Even after closing time there’s still parties to be hosted You can be active with the activists Or sleep in with the sleepers While you’re waiting for the great leap forwards B Bragg Waiting For the… Read more: Friday update 25/3/22
- Outsourcing, Regional View.Update on Cambridge branch campaign to stop outsourcing Taken from March 2022 Regional newsletter The Cambridge branch intends to loudly fight the University’s foot-dragging on protecting directly employed staff and their lack of trustworthiness over outsourcing every step of the way. As you will be aware Cambridge University Unite branch has been firmly opposing the… Read more: Outsourcing, Regional View.
- Estates Roadshow Southampton 2024The what? The Estates Forum is a national committee for HE sector estate workers, it meets a couple of times a year in London/Zoom, and once a year has an away day meeting the “Roadshow”. Last year it was in Cambridge this year Southampton. Due to the success of the Estates Roadshow this year, there… Read more: Estates Roadshow Southampton 2024
- Code Of Ethics…
Estates Division
Looking after, 370 buildings, worth 3 billion pounds, (2017/18) is no small task, requiring repair and maintenance skills that cover listed buildings hundreds of years old up to cutting edge green technologies. Our in-house knowledge of the quirks of such a varied estate is unparalleled.
Headline statutory compliance performance has improved to 93%
Gary Moss
I wanted to pass on some great feedback received from David Cardwell, Chair of the Health & Safety Exec Committee and of Planning & Resources Committee. We have reported to these committees that our headline statutory compliance performance has improved to 93%, which is a significant improvement on where we were a couple of years ago and is testament to the work you and your teams have been doing. David asked for both committees to formally minute their thanks and appreciation for this achievement.
Gary Moss, Director of Estates Operations
The Strategic Framework for the Development of the University Estate 2016 was prepared under the governance of the University’s Estates Strategy Committee and approved by the Council and the General Board on 7th November 2016 (click here to see the Reporter Notice).
The framework seeks to ensure that the University estate supports the University’s mission by developing and managing the estate so that it will:
Be an expression of the University’s academic excellence, with high quality places and services, in order to contribute to the University’s and the City’s competitive advantage;
Support productivity by delivering a positive experience for students and staff;
Be developed sustainably;
Deliver value for money, and generate additional income, to improve the University’s financial position.
- Estates Roadshow Southampton 2024
- Code Of Ethics…
- Outsourcing, Regional View.
- Friday Update 6/3/22, (I know, that’s Sunday, don’t @ me!)
- Friday Update 25/2/22