
Here’s To a better 2021

šŸŽ„A festive message for all our heroes, our key workers, and all our members. Thank you for all you have done in this difficult year šŸŽ…šŸ½ šŸŽ‡ Here's to a better 2021. — Unite the union: join a union (@unitetheunion) December 21, 2020


Brexit deal is a floor, not a ceiling: Unite’s letter to Labour MPs on the day of the vote on the Brexit deal

Unite’s letter to Labour MPs and others on the day of the parliamentary vote on the Brexit deal: Dear Friends For years, Unite has been working with UK manufacturing to try to secure a future for the industry in this country. That meant securing a deal for future trade with the European Union. We are […]


Stop ‘fire and rehire’

Some employers are using the Covid-19 crisis to force workers to sign up to wage cuts and inferior conditions under threat of dismissal. ‘Fire and rehire’ is taking hold across our workplaces, bringing insecurity and misery to working people, many of whom are already low paid. Some workers are being told to take a 25 per […]

Unite Guide

Working From Home

See the latest advice for Homeworkers, from UNITE. What are your employers responsibilities? if you are working from home… Read it here or download the PDF… Just because you are working from home, doesn’t mean you are on your own… Got a problem? Contact your Rep! Working From Home, A Unite Guide.

About Us

Who We Are

Cambridge University Unite Branch LE0755M Unite represents non-academic staff across Cambridge University, and is part of the national negotiating team on pay and terms and conditions. The only way to have your say is to join us. Unite is the union for the 21st century, meeting the greatest challenges facing working people today. It is […]


Bulletin 29th June 2020

Covid-19 Update News letter from June 2020, with a Corvid 19 update, news about the contribution reward scheme, holidays, and a call to get involved.

Unite Guide


UNDER THE STRAIN OF A PANDEMIC This is a trying time for Unite members and all the people of the UK, there will be worries about health, finances and coping with being on lockdown. There is such a change to peopleā€™s normal routines at home, in work and in work at home.There will being many […]