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Outsourcing Sucks! UNITE WIN!

Cambridge University brings maintenance back in-house!

Staff at Cambridge got this email:

After a period of extensive review, the University is moving to a revised model for repairs and maintenance. This will see the service managed by the University’s Estates Division working with directly contracted maintenance suppliers, many of which are specialist local companies already working with the University.

A dedicated in-house first-response team will carry out routine maintenance and simple fixes directly. They will work alongside a range of experienced suppliers who will deliver specialist repairs, larger works and the majority of the planned maintenance.

As a result of these changes, and by mutual agreement, the current contract with Equans will finish at the end of November 2024. Equans will continue to fully support the University throughout the six-month transition period.

This is the result of 2 things

  1. A tough 4-year campaign by the local branch against outsourcing was supported by our members throughout the University especially in Estates, who didn’t give up even when it was obvious that we wouldn’t get instant results.
    The demos, and rallies, brought the Uni to the table and allowed us to put our case.
  2. It was a bloody stupid idea in the first place.