Andrew Moss Retirement.
Andrew Moss Former General Secretary Of ACUA Branch Chair of Cambridge University Unite the Union Andrew retired from the University on 1st March 2021 after (32 years of service) as Chief Research Technician, X-ray, in the Department of Materials Science and Technology. Andrew represented University Assistant staff on many committees including UAJB, University Sub-committee for […]
Unite the union has today (Wednesday) announced the final results of its members’ vote for each of the three candidates which is as follows: Sharon Graham – 46,696 votes Steve Turner – 41,833 votes Gerard Coyne – 35,334 votes. A total of 124,147 votes were cast. Sharon Graham will succeed Len McCluskey who has been general secretary of the […]
UNION WIN! Pleased to announce we've worked with @unisontheunion, @unitetheunion & @lshtmUCU to bring our outsourced cleaning & security staff in-house. We want LSHTM to be a great place to work & study for all. Thank you to everyone who helped us reach this decision. 🙏 — London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine […]
PAY… Too Long Didn’t Read…(One and a half to three and a half per cent ish, UNITE Members voted to reject, Employers implementing it anyway. Unions now in dispute…figures here …watch this space.) UNITE’S Position Our joint union pay claim for this year was for a pay uplift of £2500 on all pay points and an […]
Pay Spine 21/22
Documents And Emails Sent on behalf of Siobhan Endean Dear Colleagues,New JNCHES Pay 2021/2022 Thank you for your support in promoting the Unite consultative ballot of all members on the JNCHES final offer on pay, which is attached. All members covered by JNCHES national pay negotiations received either a postal ballot or online ballot email […]
Unite Newsletter – August 2021
2021 Pay negotiations It looks increasingly likely that, despite all the higher education unions rejecting the offer and registering that we are in dispute, the universities’ national bargaining body (UCEA) will recommend that UK universities impose the 1.5% pay rise. If they do, the increase will be paid at the end of September, backdated to […]