Estates Front Page National News

Estates Roadshow Southampton 2024

The what?

The Estates Forum is a national committee for HE sector estate workers, it meets a couple of times a year in London/Zoom, and once a year has an away day meeting the “Roadshow”. Last year it was in Cambridge this year Southampton.

Estates Roadshow Tee Shirt
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt!

Due to the success of the Estates Roadshow this year, there has also been a Technicians version in Loughborough. Tying in with UNITE being the first union to sign the technician commitment.

Hot on the heels of this a museums and galleries tech forum is in the offing!

These events are really good fun to attend, and a great opportunity to peer outside the Cambridge bubble and see what’s going on elsewhere.

Solidarity isn’t just local! We are a national union and Cambridge needs to be a part of things at national level. If you want to get involved and think that RISC and NISC are a bit heavy, the forums are a great way to get taste of trade unionism. It’s Belfast next year!

Feelin’ Hot, Hot, Hot!

2024’s Estates Roadshow, visited Southampton, coinciding with the hottest week of the year so far. This gave your correspondent the chance to break out his Hawaiian shirt and pork pie hat. (Causing several people to tell me that the Madness gig was last week…)

Thanks to Naomi for organising things including a very interesting tour of a historic townhouse and interesting local Pubs.

The event lived up to its slogan “Socialism through socialising”  with lots of what management types call “networking” (4.5abv).

The main business brought together estates reps from Britain and Ireland, to compare notes on the issues affecting their members.

Pay and Parking!

Whilst many HE establishments have different approaches to how things are done, the vast differences in policies relating to personal car use (the Cambridge term is grey fleet) giving rise to a lively discussion, covering vans, callout, overtime, and insurance. Some things are the same all over.

Not that Andy Murry…

National Officer Andy Murry, filled us in on the ongoing (interminable) pay talks, I won’t expand on that here as the information is already out of date by now.

UNITE WIN! In Ulster!

Well done to Ulster for showing that if you persevere you can win your  battle, but it does take time! I think its best to use a direct quote from their report to illustrate this;

The Estates department of Ulster had been campaigning for a new pay rate for many years, with unsatisfactory results. These results affected are department deeply resulting in a lack of motivation and morale. 

So, collectively my colleagues and myself rallied together to push for regrading in estates. As the Ulster University is made up of 4 campuses.  Our cooperation to work with other neighbouring campuses helped us produce a breakthrough with people in cultures. To reevaluate our job description to a more present-day description.

The results 

Estates ground team.   (Previously band 2) to band 3

Estates labours. (Previously band 3) to band 4

Estates building/mechanical/electrical. (Previously band 4) to band 5

This up lift has improved engineers’ happiness at work to feeling more credited for the work carried out. 

Call Out Pay

On a similar note, Newcastle is campaigning on Call out payments, we wish them good luck in their efforts.


The fact that Manchester was looking down the barrel of a large hike in parking fees, that would adversely affect low paid staff, brought to light the fact that parking issues are a hot topic in many universities. Your correspondent had already brought up Cambridges approach to transport issues and the detrimental affect on our members!


Protests about the situation in Gaza, are taking place at many universities.

Whatever your views are on issue, it is often our members in estates and security who are inconvenienced by these actions rather than, the likes of VCs and other higher ups. Newcastle reports Vandalism and building occupations, and delegates from other universities expressed concern at heightened tensions, and the difficulties experienced dealing with demonstrations and protest camps.

Life on MARS

Nottingham reports that on top of a severance scheme, management is introducing, “ The Mutually Agreed Resignation Scheme (MARS)”.

It is reported that;

“As an organisation UoN are currently spending more than they are apparently earning.”

Cutbacks in Sheffield

Sheffield is cutting back its 24hour working , affecting porters cleaners and other shift working members.

Big Brother

Also in Sheffield worrying Orwellian management practices are appearing.Members report;

“The university is considering using an phone app call Onmiguard to track security staff. This is under the guise of being able to evidence key performance indicators. We are arguing that it Is dispropionate. This is an ongoing conversation.”

Staff retention

ST Andrews reports struggles with staff retention, and recruitment. A story that is echoed by branches up and down the country. Demonstrating once more that if you can’t pay the going rate for the job, your staff will go somewhere that does!