7th November Strike, view from the picket line.

Well if the last strike day was wet this one was cold, it was nice in the sun, but Lensfield Road has its shady bits, and one was outside Chemistry.

Great turnout again, and a cracking sing-song at the rally, along with some passionate speakers.
Lots of letters to the VC were handed out for signing, hopefully, they get posted and clog up the VC’s inbox.
Please please print off a copy and send it in. LINK
At the very least follow this link, and tick the boxes online.
So what do we want?
Fair pay for everyone!
Wealthy institutions like Cambridge hide behind their poorer cousins in national negotiations, as well as claiming poverty for themselves. In a recent Varsity interview, Vice-Chancellor Deborah Prentice stated:
https://www.varsity.co.uk/interviews/26360 Deborah Prentice
“It’s going to require a lot of change at the University, actually, because it’s not as if there are pots of money lying around – it’s about changing the way the organisation works and driving efficiencies in order to provide the ability to pay our people more.”.
(Hmm, it seems like there is an abundance of money for other things… after all, those contractors at estates surely don’t come cheap…)
“Our most valuable asset”.
In 2006, when he announced a new pay structure and job evaluation scheme Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Andy Cliff described University staff as “our most valuable asset”.
Is this the University’s view or just a hollow statement? We would like to believe the former, but it’s time The Old Schools put their (pots of)money where their mouths are.

Cambridge Weighting
UNITE has put forward a claim for “Cambridge weighting” of £5000, to account for living and working in one of the most expensive areas of the UK.
The University can pay this independently of the national pay bargaining.
Who knows it might even help with recruiting skilled staff.
We have another strike on the 28th of November.
UNITE members, dig out your winter coats and join us on the picket lines!
We need your support!
Your friends and colleagues need your support!
It is you who will win this.
There is power in a union,
But YOU are the union!

Non-members Join UNITE, support your fellow workers, and help us help you!