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Women workers do not feel safe going to and from work

“Last year I was assaulted after my employer refused to provide me with a taxi after transport times. This happens all too often to workers.” – Carrie

“I’ve worked in the hospitality industry now for just short of a decade. Nearly every single late-night shift begins with worrying about making arrangements at home. Will I make enough in tips to afford a taxi? Will I have to walk home alone in the dark? If I walk home will that guy that threatened me for cutting him off still be hanging around?” – Angela

Join the campaign for change

Get ME Home Safely is Unite’s campaign to make our communities and workplaces safer places for our members. Employers and governments across the UK must play their part too. Get involved to make this change. Our calls include:

Extend employers’ duty of care to embed safe transport home policies for all workers; we are calling on employers to adopt risk assessments that include an individual’s journey times and potential hazards once they’ve left the workplaceMake free transport home for staff a prerequisite for all new liquor licenses
Lobby bus operators for mandatory training for transport workers on gender based violence to include practical guidance on reporting sexual harassment and assault on public transportCampaign for clear and operational CCTV on all forms of public transport
Legislative change to address the weakness in enforcement of the law against sexual assault and harassment on public transportLobby the government for municipal ownership of buses as a way to tackle the chronic shortage of night services;
Lobby for national minimum standards and for taxi and private hire vehicles and an end cross border hiring to improve safety for women using private hire vehicles and taxis.Reverse the cuts to funding for public toilets, every bus worker must have access to clean and accessible toilets

Join this campaign to make a real difference