Campaigns Newsletters Regional

Covid 19: The Fight for Jobs!

National Unite press release

UNITE Statement About Times Article, Jan 16, 2021.

STATEMENT “The reports in The Times are an extremely crude attempt to smear Unite and its leadership through a disgraceful attempt at guilt-by-association. “They attempt to create an impression of a connection between Unite and the criminal investigations taking place in the City of Liverpool on the basis of what even the newspaper is forced […]

Campaigns National Unite press release Unite Win!

Ground-breaking deal by Unite saves Barnoldswick’s Rolls-Royce factory and 350 jobs

The Rolls-Royce factory in Barnoldswick, Lancashire, has been saved and with it 350 jobs and a community protected from ruin, thanks to a ground-breaking deal struck by Unite the union and the company’s management. The deal, which has been supported overwhelmingly by the workforce, will give the historic site a new lease of life as a core manufacturing facility and host […]

Unite Guide

Still Here For You

Colleagues, The attached leaflet outlines the benefits attached to the Union Funded Membership offered to our members who have been made redundant due to Covid.Please circulate.Regards,Peter Kavanagh Regional SecretaryLondon & Eastern RegionUnite the Union

Campaigns National


National Regional Unite press release

Councils urged to take back of control of gyms and pools, as leisure centre giant ‘sheds 2,000 jobs’

(UNITE Press Release, Link) An estimated 2,000 staff on zero hours contracts have been shed during the pandemic by controversial leisure services giant Greenwich Leisure Ltd (GLL) reinforcing the case for the gyms, swimming pools and sports halls it operates to be taken back under local authority control. The call has come from Unite, Britain […]

Campaigns National Uncategorized


Social Media Scene

No Evictions!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Unite Cambridge University (@uniteuoc)

Social Media Scene

Join Unite!

Join Unite today, you know you want to! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Unite The Union: join a union (@unitetheunion)

A word from Admin Social Media Scene

A Bit Much Of The Old Twitter

Social media giants won’t play nice. Hi, Admin here. We do, do, Instagram and Facebook, but at the moment, I can’t embed Insta or Facebook posts, due to “reasons” so this all looks a bit Twitter heavy. I’m sure I’ll work it out, but its not on the top of my todo list, sorry Rob […]