Branch Meetings

Next Branch Meeting 12/4/21

Branch Meeting Monday 12th April,


Unite the Union – University of Cambridge

Branch Agenda

April 12th 2021 13.00 via Zoom

  1. Present
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes and matters arising
  4. National/Regional Matters: Regional Organiser. RISC. RISC Chair and Secretary meeting. Delegates to Unite Policy Conference
  5. Branch Matters.
    1. Correspondence. Menopause Awareness.
    2. Training
    3. Single Payment Scheme
    4. Campaigns: Travel Plan. Bullying. Pay. Robinson College
    5. Health and Safety: Safety Tour of Dyson Lab
    6. Organising. Branch Health Check
    7. Social media/ website
    8. Any other matters
  6. Motions: Policy motion

7. Date of next meeting 2nd March 2020.