Branch Campaigns Campaigns National News Pay

National pay negotiations 2023-2024:  Countdown to autumn strikes!

Continuing Protest.

Over August and September Unite HE branches up and down the country are holding local industrial action ballots in a continuing protest against the very low pay rise imposed by HE employers.  At the time of writing, there are at least five branches in our region balloting including our largest – Cambridge. If there is no resolution to the ongoing dispute, joint union strike action is increasingly likely this autumn. Please read communications from your branch so you know what is happening locally.


Make no mistake, this point has been reached yet again because of the intransigence of employers represented by UCEA (their association) who refuse to improve their 2023-24 pay offer which now compares unfavourably with pay awards announced in the public sector such as the 6.5% pay award to staff in schools.

Inflation at 10.7% (RPI)

Cost of living pressures on members are still at record levels with inflation at 10.7% (RPI) and the Bank of England announcing another rise in interest rates to 5.25% on 4 August 2023 impacting housing costs, the repayment of loans and credit card charges. Unite will be undertaking a national cost of living survey of members in higher education so watch out for the web link when it is sent to you. Unite will use the survey results to argue for further negotiations on the 2023-24 pay offer from UCEA.

Unite Cambridge University
Branch LE0755M
16 Mill Lane
Cambridge, CB2 1SB